011 - Terminal Decay…And Sun Tzu


The Eastern Zhou continues to become a shell of the Western Zhou's long lost authority. Now, even the Hegemon position is becoming irrelevant. And even the inner working of the individual states are falling apart, as Dukes become puppets for Noble families. But a new kid on the block, the Wu State, shakes things up and births Sun Tzu (The Art of War).

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Listen to this episode from The History of China on Spotify. The Eastern Zhou continues to become a shell of the Western Zhou's long lost authority. Now, even the Hegemon position is becoming irrelevant. And even the inner working of the individual states are falling apart, as Dukes become puppets for Noble families.

Map of the era. See the Wu States grew quite fast, and where it lays.

Map of the era. See the Wu States grew quite fast, and where it lays.

Sun Tzu quote.

Sun Tzu quote.

Wu-Chu war map and the Battle of Boju.

Wu-Chu war map and the Battle of Boju.

Older depiction of Sun Tzu

Older depiction of Sun Tzu

Ancient version of “The Art of War”, written vertically and right to left

Ancient version of “The Art of War”, written vertically and right to left


012 - War on the Horizon


010 - The Life of Confucius