024 - And Just Like That, the Han


As fast as it came about, the Qin Dynasty collapsed. What would replace it was not clear at the time, so on this episode, listen as we dive into the death throes of the Qin and the ascension of the Han. Back stabbing court officials, massive battles, and political intrigue are on full display as the new dynasty comes to the forefront of history.

Listen now!

As fast as it came about, the Qin Dynasty collapsed. What would replace it was not clear at the time, so on this episode, listen as we dive into the death throes of the Qin and the ascension of the Han.

Depiction of Liu Bang (Later known as Emperor Gao)

Depiction of Liu Bang (Later known as Emperor Gao)

Map of the Han-Chu Contention. Interesting see how the borders of “Han” and “Chu” have morphed a bit since the Warring States Period.

Map of the Han-Chu Contention. Interesting see how the borders of “Han” and “Chu” have morphed a bit since the Warring States Period.

Han Dynasty Banner

Han Dynasty Banner


025 - Life in the Early Han


023 - Soldiers Made of Terracotta