027 - The Empress Lü Horror Show


The problems for the Han Dynasty were already piling up when Emperor Gao died in 195 BC. However, proceeding his death, his wife - Empress Dowager Lü - threw everything out of whack. For nearly 20 years, Empress Dowager Lü ruled the Han as a regent through endless killing and torture. It truly is the Empress Lü Horror Show.

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The problems for the Han Dynasty were already piling up when Emperor Gao died in 195 BC. However, proceeding his death, his wife - Empress Dowager Lü - threw everything out of whack. For nearly 20 years, Empress Dowager Lü ruled the Han as a regent through endless killing and torture.

Map of the Han….we still got some territory yet to be conquered on the show…

Map of the Han….we still got some territory yet to be conquered on the show…

Depiction of Emperor Wen of Han

Depiction of Emperor Wen of Han

Later depiction Empress Lü. She looks a little nicer here than she was in real life..

Later depiction Empress Lü. She looks a little nicer here than she was in real life..


028 - Emperor Wen


026 - Enter the Xiongnu