028 - Emperor Wen


We all know by now that the Han has not been off to the hottest of starts. However, in 180 BC, a new emperor looks to change that. Through Confucian and Taoist doctrines, Emperor Wen of Han brings some much needed stability to the dynasty, and in turn, creates the foundation that all later emperors of the Han would use to continue its prosperity.

Listen now!

Map of the Han Dynasty

Map of the Han Dynasty

Map of the Xiongnu territory

Map of the Xiongnu territory

Scholar Jia Yi. Never given a post in high command, instead, made the tutor for the next generation of Han leaders.

Scholar Jia Yi. Never given a post in high command, instead, made the tutor for the next generation of Han leaders.

Emperor Wen of the Han Dynasty

Emperor Wen of the Han Dynasty

Xiongnu Warriors….it’s time to start getting excited about this coming great conflict

Xiongnu Warriors….it’s time to start getting excited about this coming great conflict


029 - When Wen’s Foundation Set


027 - The Empress Lü Horror Show