034 - Han Supernova May 29 Written By Eric Andresen This episode sees the Han Supernova....rapid expansion at never before seen rates. Also, we cover in any missing pieces that happened during, just before, and after the Han-Xiongnu War Listen now! Spotify Apple Google This is the expansion map. The yellow region on the bottom right contains, from left to right (west to east): Dian, Nanyue, Minyue. Look towards modern-day Korea to see that expansion. Eric Andresen
034 - Han Supernova May 29 Written By Eric Andresen This episode sees the Han Supernova....rapid expansion at never before seen rates. Also, we cover in any missing pieces that happened during, just before, and after the Han-Xiongnu War Listen now! Spotify Apple Google This is the expansion map. The yellow region on the bottom right contains, from left to right (west to east): Dian, Nanyue, Minyue. Look towards modern-day Korea to see that expansion. Eric Andresen