035 - The End of Emperor Wu Jun 9 Written By Eric Andresen We finally reach the end of Emperor Wu's historic and historically long reign. More conquests, more policy questions, revolts, and....a big witch hunt - literally. All that and more on this week's episode! Listen now! Spotify Apple Google I know, same map as before, but don’t fix what isn’t broken! Here is a map of the Western Regions of the Han Dynasty and their neighbors….Look who the Han Dynasty are getting awfully close to…….(Parthia) Eric Andresen
035 - The End of Emperor Wu Jun 9 Written By Eric Andresen We finally reach the end of Emperor Wu's historic and historically long reign. More conquests, more policy questions, revolts, and....a big witch hunt - literally. All that and more on this week's episode! Listen now! Spotify Apple Google I know, same map as before, but don’t fix what isn’t broken! Here is a map of the Western Regions of the Han Dynasty and their neighbors….Look who the Han Dynasty are getting awfully close to…….(Parthia) Eric Andresen